Code of Conduct

Central 1 exists to nurture, support and enable a thriving credit union system, cooperatively empowering those who deliver banking choice to Canadians. Our role in the financial services sector is an important one — not only do we provide products and services that enrich our members’ and clients’ offerings, but we are also leaders, influencers and partners in the Canadian financial system.

So, how we do business matters.

Our values guide our behaviours and actions at Central 1. Keeping our Eyes Forward makes sure we are looking ahead and preparing for what’s to come for us, our members and clients. With our Sharp Minds, we set the bar high, delivering with purpose and integrity. We put our Heads Together and respectfully include our colleagues, partners and stakeholders in our decision-making. And our Hearts Aligned always keep us striving for the greater good.

Our Code of Conduct grounds us in these values reinforcing the way we show up — ethically, fairly and responsibly. And each of us has a duty to exemplify the principles outlined in this document.

It’s how Central 1 maintains a positive workplace culture and sustains a positive reputation as a respected and reliable service provider and partner to our members, clients and financial services colleagues. Thank you for your efforts in upholding our Code and commitment to living Central 1’s values. With this Code, together we are capable of achieving so much!

Sheila Vokey
President and CEO
Shelley McDade
Board Chair

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